Beautiful, thank you for sharing. I have an idea of what Keto is, but would you mind sharing more specifically? I really like the idea of tracking what I eat. I certainly have been more aware of what is in the food I've been eating and I've really really decreased how much I eat out (which my and my fiance's wallets approve of). I haven't been eating too well for the past couple months. All AmeriCorps volunteers are on food stamps and it's tough at times, ESPECIALLY living in a rural town where there's only one grocery store and the prices are sky high, to buy good healthy food and not run out of money. But it's a continual work in progress. I've been buying food in bulk whenever I head into Portland and that's certainly been saving me some money. I'd like to keep in touch about how you're doing and maybe bounce some idea off of you. Part of the reason I quit sugar was to take a vow against something I knew I wanted to avoid for a while. I was reading the Ghandi autobiography and he spoke very strongly about taking vows, so I did it. I can only imagine the positive results I'll experience.