Yes, yes, fuckiiiin YES. I'm actually working on an animatic about it for class, so you can get all my points, but the general gist of it was: 1. Interracial marriage was fully legalied in 1967 - only a few years before my mom was born - but apparently dating a not-person is totally a-o-fuckin-k. I don't care HOW chill of a dude Chris Pratt is, he is NOT that chill. Seriously though, I <3 Chris Pratt. 2. Artificial Intelligence gains sentience. Does it run the stock market? Does it cure world hunger? Nope, it fuckiiiiing dates Joaquin Phoenix with a porn-stache. 3. The belief that a hipster-letter-writing website is popular enough to get an uptown office in an LA/Shanghai skyscraper. 4. That movie takes place in fucking Los Angeles. WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL THE BLACK AND HISPANIC PEOPLE? Spike Jonez or whatever the fuck his name is knows that in LA, White people are the MINORITY, right? 5. Her is dystopian because all it showed was a vision of 20 years from now when income equality creates a complete division between people that get to putz around and have phone-sex with their computers and the homeless people that live in Silicon Valley wondering why the fuck everything got so expensive. 6. And lastly, perhaps most ashamedly, it goes the easy, but stupidly long, two-hour, drawn out route of saying something people older than me have been saying forever now: People are too obsessed with technology, look up at the world in front of you, look at real people in front of you, why are you so obsessed with your screen? It's played out as fuck.