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randomuser  ·  3557 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Also, kids: don't fall in love before you're 32 or so. It's just not convenient.

Agreed here. I have found that love tends to come unannounced and not always at the most convenient of times, but it also has a tendency to be there right when you need it.

That being said, love is an action as well as a feeling. Taking the little bit of love you start with and making it grow, nurturing to become that BIG, REAL love that you read about takes persistence and awareness ime.

I think the idea of falling in and out of love on purpose isn't the kind of in love I want. Nor the type of love I have. I am in love with a girl that there is no way I could just decide to unlove. She makes me better, makes me want to be better. She makes me want to work for her to love me too, and I think she does. It's really nice to have someone that you don't just hear it when they say, "I love you." You feel it, and beyond any reasonable doubt, you believe it.