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StJohn  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Thenewgreen rounds up his friends in one big circle and says,

Haha, yessss, I am at the end of the list! That means someone else was at the end of the list but you were afraid you might offend them, so you put me there to shield poor AshShields because, like a supernatural godlike being, I am beyond offense. That's what I'll tell myself as I rock myself to sleep with a bottle of wine in one hand and a loaded pop-gun in the other.

Hum, next book! I'll have to get back to you on the date, but I'm hoping soon. It's been three bloody years in the writing, so I'm keen to get it out there. If you PM me I can give you the super secret details. I think this one has the same sense of humor as Radium Baby, though there are more explosions. You'd hope so, at least. No-one wants a second book that's not as good as the first. Probably why Harper Lee never wrote anything else — poor woman knows no-one is ever going to write a novel that's better than To Kill a Mockingbird.