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mknod  ·  3575 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, how do you feel about drugs?

    Anyway, molly was fun but the comedown was crap, and I felt if I were to take it again in the near future I might develop some sort of addiction. It was a scary thought that I took as a fair warning to stay away. It was at a rave, coupled with my first-ever pot brownie. I felt that I was the most confident radiant exploding ball of energy in the room, confident especially with girls, but the whole time I knew it wasn't the real me and it was temporary, and it just wasn't worth it.

I just heard Amy Pohler talking about taking ecstasy (which I gather is a form of molly or the other way around). She also talks about the comedown. Do you feel like the experience of molly helped you understand what it feels like to be confident better?

Also, you are still in high school right? I am of the opinion that people should just wait until they are out of college to do this stuff. It just seems reasonable I guess?