I said this, and you began arguing with me. Although I now note that it was someone else and you continued the thread. Rereading, you opened with a non sequitur to begin with. blackfox said he doubted the US was reaching an accord with Cuba to help Cuban citizens, I asked why he thought that, and you said "Because it is not the responsibility nor the goal of a government to help the citizens of other countries." This is a spectrum-specific argument about why Obama shouldn't talk to Cuba for the purpose of helping Cubans, but unless you have very misguided ideas about what Obama stands for, you don't believe it's a valid answer to blackfox's original doubt. EDIT: I should mention that if you think the US does not routinely prop up regimes that limit freedom, there's a large gap in your knowledge of the history of the 20th century. I'm not attacking you, I'm just trying to mitigate what I consider a false statement.and if we do assist those countries, it is usually under the assumption of changing them (see: cuba).
Clearly Obama hopes that opening ties will force them to clean up a bit.