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iammyownrushmore  ·  3461 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski at the Museum: Abstract

I am utterly following you, I do not see how you could think otherwise, unless:

a) you sincerely cannot see that I'm reaching out and trying to say "we can totally be friends, but you did something misplaced that isn't conducive to functioning communities of people with varied opinions" like, as in these words are totally incomprehensible to you

b) you cannot read my posts or do not have time to. sometimes i get long-winded and tangential, and plenty of people do not have enough time to read my barrage of nonsense. I do not hold this against them.

c) you don't believe me. I cannot help you there, nor do i blame you

d) you have your head so far up your pretentious ass that you think the world is brown. Like, you think you're at a podium somewhere, when you're actually just blasting spittle all over one person's face on the street.

guess which one I'm leaning towards

    You're really not saying anything that means anything to me

Like, jesus, I'm not writing some tacocat's Tuesdays with Morrie here, but I am at least a small amount self-aware enough to know when I'm authentically trying to be empathetic and not just lash out with rabid generalizations (which is what you did), and be, well, polite. Until now, tho.

in summation: hush.