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user-inactivated  ·  3463 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Jon Stewart, Jester for the Warfare State by Ryan Calhoun

I guess I'd want to see some sort of longterm analysis of the Daily Show before I would believe what you said. It doesn't square with my memory. If you tote up the numbers, I suspect Stewart has spent like 80 percent of his airtime mocking the Republican/Tea Party agenda. Ditto Fox News etc versus CNN. In any case, the point I wanted to make got a bit lost -- making fun of people at all is never going to fix the country. Teaching teens and young adults to scorn other points of view is a fucking shame.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Stewart will point out all the massive holes in Obama's "internet as utility" idea, while he's simultaneously mocking Ted Cruz (as he surely will). Maybe he'll have a real, scholarly discussion about the issue, and present all the options. We'll see.