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camarillobrillo · 3720 days ago · link · · parent · post: Hubski, as I realize the beauty and rarity of my day's events, I'm awash in humility and appreciation.
Went to go wash my car today at one of those DIY places. They've got a regular robot wash too and this ancient churchlady was struggling with the chargebox. Turns out the whole thing was down so I told her about another washeria across town. After she went on her way I freaked out worrying she'd get lost so I hopped in my car and caught up with her (not easy, she was tearing ass in this big old Caddy) and had her follow me to the next place. This fucking town, that place's robowash was busted too. I gave up and washed her damn Caddy myself. Didn't take her money. I love having adventures with random people. Good on you Pabs. Shine on.