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mk  ·  3495 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder takes a protectionist stance against Tesla

I just got a hilarious response from his office. Here's my letter:

    Dear Governor Snyder,

    I am writing you in regards to HB-5606. I urge you not to sign this bill, as it will ultimately reduce competition and innovation in the State of Michigan. Our industries must feel these pressures and adapt now. Those states that protect industries against the tides of change pay a greater price in the end.

The response:

    Dear Mark Katakowski,

    Thank you for your recent correspondence sent to Governor Rick Snyder. I have been assigned to your correspondence and am responding accordingly on behalf of the Governor. Governor Snyder has a strong vision to create opportunities, networks, programs, and environments across Michigan that will both retain and attract great talent to our great state. It appears you have much to offer and I hope your pursuit for Michigan employment is successful. All civil service employment opportunities are regularly updated at Michigan's Career Center website of www.michigan.gov/mcsc<http://www.michigan.gov/mcsc>. Please submit your online applications for the job opportunities most suitable for your chosen career path.

    Thousands of other jobs are also available at our job portal website: http://www.mitalent.org<http://www.mitalent.org/>.

    Again, thank you for your recent correspondence. Should you have any further questions or concerns regarding this or any other state-related matter, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.


    Ryan Studley Constituent Relations Division Executive Office of the Governor, Rick Snyder
