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    The Occupy Movement? They laughed at us from their highrises. We can't touch them. I suppose we could have an Arab Spring if we really wanted one. It would mean a very bold line being crossed. Something that even the weakest coward could not stand. I worry they're much too patient for that. And who's going to fight them? You? Me? We've got rent to pay. Cars we're paying off. That's the key I think. Give them just enough to lose to not bother playing.

"Every advance of truth forces error to consolidate itself in a more obviously erroneous form, and every advance of freedom has the same effect on tyranny. Thus history exhibits a series of crises in which a sudden flash of imaginative vision (as in the French Revolution) bursts out, is counteracted by a more ruthless defence of the status quo, and subsides again. The evolution comes in the fact that the opposition grows sharper each time, and will one day present a clear-cut alternative to eternal life or extermination." - William Blake