I'm wearing two of these now. I'm in the coffee shop, about to continue studying for my next calc exam. I'm making CompSci my minor and am going to take a bunch of Web Design classes next semester. I'm gonna major in Information Management, and my cousin has already got an internship laid out for me and I'm happy about it but also feel bad. I feel bad because I don't like that everything is not what you know, it's who you know. I dunno. I think I'm in the same position as Meriadoc in that I feel stagnant in a lot of areas. I feel you there, man. I compare myself to my roommates too often. "They have girlfriends and I don't." "They like their Engineering degrees and I don't." "They have free time and I don't," haha. It does feel good to know that I won't feel as stagnant next semester, but I don't really wanna wait around either. I'm going to do National Novel Writing Month. I scraped my last novel because I felt like it wasn't going anywhere. I have my ideas for the next one all outlined. I feel like the previous novel wasn't going anywhere because I started it my junior year of highschool. I looked back at my earlier chapters and I felt like I had grown so much since then that it just wasn't going to work. My perspective on life has changed since then - something that editing can't change. No, that novel isn't Hubskina. I'll try and get a chapter of that done soon. Till me about your day. I sound like lil, haha.