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user-inactivated · 3750 days ago · link · · parent · post: From r/austin: local band hires someone for $25 on craigslist to dance during their show and give it an extra dimension
Ever seen Space Capone play? They're lifers, seem like they've been at every fest for about a million years. They've got this skinny weird-looking dude who they equip with a tambourine. He stands in front of the band making love to the air around him. They play funky disco stuff and man is it erotic. It's kinda ... nice ... being in the crowd, especially if the gender split is happening. Ah! Here he is eyefucking someone off to the left. EDIT: .......................I'm in that picture. White hat. That must be St. Louis, or maybe Austin. How fucking weird is it that I did that by accident?