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user-inactivated  ·  3531 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, how do you wear your jeans?

1. HOODIES HOODIES HOODIES. I have at least 10, which is more than any amount of clothing I own besides pairs of socks.I don't know why I love hoodies but I do. There's just somethin about them.

2. I wash my jeans...once a week, I guess? I switch them out every three days, as opposed to my two-day max for shorts.

3. No idea, BUT, I know that you can run a razor against jeans and have them stay sharp for a veeeery long time.

Don't know shit about fashion, so I just wear them on my hips. And also hope the zipper doesn't catch on my nuts. It's a simple life, this one.