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mk  ·  3685 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Earth.

    I know she's your world and he means the world to you, but what kind of value is that, really?

In 1990, as the Voyager space craft was leaving our solar system, Carl Sagan asked that the probe take a picture of the planet that it left behind.

You can find all of us in the middle of the brown band on the far right.

That was 24 years ago. Carl Sagan has since died. How old will you be in 24 years? In 48 years? In 72 years? In 96 years?

In 96 years it is likely that everyone reading this comment will be dead.

The Earth is not mine. I am the Earth's. The kind of value that the Earth gives me, is that we are all siblings.