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user-inactivated · 3786 days ago · link · · parent · post: What small, seemingly insignificant everyday activities, objects, habits, occurrences, things etc do you take for granted
Showers. Music. Perhaps this isn't much of a little thing. Ambient noise may be better. That may have been covered on the Silence bit. People, or Conversation. My biggest annoyance is being around someone and always seeing them with their head stuck in a phone. It pains me. People, or perhaps, younger people, don't appreciate face-to-face conversations anymore. I can't connect emotionally to someone when they're typing in texting language. I want to see their face, to see how their eyebrows and eyes shift, to see their smiles or frowns. I want to hear their voices, how they waver, or remain steady, when they crack, or when they fall flat. I love talking to people in person, I hate talking to people over text message or FB chat.