A description of a strategy set forward by the fictional Union of the Hideously and Improbably Deformed, a fellowship/support group for the physically handicapped/deformed for coping with social existence, by one of the attendees who is fielding questions on why they wear a veil: DFW, Infinite Jest There's a lot in here revolving around this concept of the double-bind (wherein two differing psychopathologies counter-act one another ie. agorophobic kleptomaniacs), consciousness and awareness leading to this meta-pathology as an emergent property of society and self-awareness, technology being used with futility to try and resolve inherent properties of society, a simulated-nuclear-end-of-times-simulation game played by 12 year olds called the Eschaton which reaches Catch-22 levels of hilarity, and... tennis. and film. Trying to get to the meat of this book with a quote feels pointless, but it's gotten sooo much better than last time I posted a quote.'What you do is you hide your deep need to hide, and you do this out of the need to appear to other people as if you have the strength not to care how you appear to others. You stick you hideous face right in there into the wine-tasting crowd's visual meatgrinder, you smile so wide it hurts and put out your hand and are extra gregarious and outgoing and exert yourself to appear totally unaware of the facial struggles of the people who are trying not to wince or stare or give away the fact that they can see that you're hideously, improbably deformed. You feign acceptance of your deformity. You take your desire to hide and conceal it under a mask of acceptance.'
'I am in here'