A list of the misunderstandings/ bad assumptions of the Brain these brain sim projects .
The way I see it we really don't know enough about how the brain works to really even start.
Even our analogies may be ill founded i.e. brain as a computer etc. I am unsure we have a even a Theory of Intelligence or Sentience that reflects anything in the real world.
I also have the inkling that the simulator would be larger than the brain by a few orders of magnitude. Even with magic Moore's law.
Being in a Simulation background I have come to the conclusion that simulations that are as complex as the thing being simulated really don't have a whole lot of research utility. i.e. you have something as difficult to analyze as the real thing but you don't even know if it reflect s the thing it is meant to be modeling.
It seems to me this is the Sci-Fi dreams of [B]illionaires being acted out on the public dime.
[edit realized that millionaires are not really a thing anymore]