I don't have many desires left for this world. So having a small place that I can sleep, groom, and make food, is really my needs.
Everything else in this life, if you're asking me, is frivolous. You'll leave it all behind when you die, acquiring and protecting this stuff costs money, sweat, tears, all of it bringing little joy and mostly stress.
I'm just over that.
These Tiny Houses are much more practical for someone like me with these thoughts in regards to life on this planet.
I want to live with as little materials as possible and one of the biggest obstacles is a place to live. A Tiny House could be paid for and no more rent, no loan with interest.
That sounds better to me than a lease.
You're not dismissive at all, you have a valid question and concern that I think most people would reasonably have too.
I know they aren't for everyone but I'm at this weird stage of life where my boyfriend and I are thinking that renting forever is getting old and we want to find a place to own and family and all that etcetera etcetera... My boyfriend though is not on board with a tiny house lol so it's an uphil battle for me :/