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Maphen · 3852 days ago · link · · parent · post: What culinary experiments have you always wanted to try but never got around to/didn't want to waste the money?
Unfortunately, I don't have time for a lengthy response. But I worked for a while at a high-end country club and we would occasionally Sous-Vide steak. This worked okay, but our idiot chef didn't sear them afterwards and they ended up flavorless. And I'm not sure about poaching, one of the absolute worst things you can do to beef is waterlog it, even surrounded by moisture, it will likely end up dry and tough. Such a small cut of meat won't do as well with a braise, and definitely won't function well in a poach. What you're describing is basically a single-serve braise on a small cut of meat. So you may be able to do it in a smaller amount of time if you sear it first, but otherwise you'll end up with a tough and dry cut of meat.