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havires  ·  3742 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What comic books or graphic novels do you suggest?

Sin City


Batman (anything by Frank Miller - one of his Batman comics was the basis for TDKR with Christian Bale)

Watchmen (unabridged, mandatory)

V For Vendetta (previously mentioned)

Spawn (all of it)

Hellblazer (all of it / Constantine [movie])

The Walking Dead (don't dismiss it because of the show, in fact read it because it's almost a completely different story)

Neon Genesis Evangelion [manga] (easier to understand than the anime)

Rurouni Kenshin [manga]

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac (never read this myself, but i've heard a lot of chatter about how good it is)

Alien/Predator/AvP (all Dark Horse)

Those are all the came to mind right now. Will edit as needed with more suggestions.