This is probably one of the biggest impacts Hillary will have on the White House and US politics in general. However, she has the potential to royally screw it up in a number of ways - both related and unrelated to her gender. The problem is, and one of the things that worries me most about having a women for president, is the debate often changes very quickly from her policies and practices to her gender, whether or not she's on her period, what she's wearing, and how great it is for a women to be doing XYZ. Small steps though - females down the road will still have a better chance to be elected to office and then judged on their actions rather than their gender. PS: Perhaps I have been watching too much Veep, but do Hillary - or any other campaigning politician - actually write their own book?A woman in the White House does matter. Not because I believe the myth that women in power would act dramatically differently from men (just look at Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, Sarah Palin, among others); but rather, as with Obama and race, it still matters that we open up these possibilities for those to whom they have historically been closed.