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insomniasexx  ·  3814 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Executioner's Lament

That graph looks like a good overall breakdown. What's more interesting is how the browser stats change from site to site. Good web developers take the demographics of the specific site into consideration when determining which features to use and what browsers to code for first - just like marketers and copywriters chose the language and medium they use. I don't have the exact stats in front of me but Hubski has a very low percentage of IE users. My work's site (we sell b2b products) as well as the site we developed for internal coke employees is extremely high: up to 70% are on IE some days.

The discrepancies are even more dramatic for email marketing. Typically, 80% of opens from my work's email marketing are opened in Outlook. Maybe 2 or 3 are for Hubski Newsletter. It makes sense since we are selling b2b so everyone on that list should be someone at their job who would buy our products and offices overwhelming use Outlook.