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thundara  ·  3663 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Privilege is Clickbait - Checking Privilege-Checking

    A certain sort of self-deprecating privilege awareness has become, in effect, upper- or upper-middle-class good manners, maybe even a new form of noblesse oblige, reinforcing class divides.

That's a terrible way to put "being aware of the other side of the fence".

At its worse, this may be as the author describes, but "checking your privilege" is intended to improve awareness of the other gender identities, the other classes, the other races. It's reminding yourself that there are other cultures whose challenges you should consider.

There's no reason why a "more privileged" person should be discounted from a discussion, but it is a reminder to listen to the perspectives they might not themselves have experienced.