I might be able to get cheaper sneakers from Macau, but they won't be blue and orange and say "Pimp Daddy MK" on the foot print. Well, I wouldn't get those either, but you get the point. Nike won't be able to keep up with what kids want. And what kids want in Cleveland might be totally different than what they want in San Fran. Nike can't be that agile. IMO, that's a real driver that's going to push this before cost is a good argument. Printing is slow. But I met a guy with a makerbot this fall, and his had a little conveyor belt. He could just set it up, and set the number of objects. He said it was very satisfying to hear one drop in the bucket after it came of 'the line'. Each of my gargoyles doorknobs could look different. Heck, I could even have the program make them unique. That's pretty cool. The metal powder stuff is getting better too. When materials research has the demand, no doubt they will meet it.