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teamramonycajal  ·  3894 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Soapbox Sundays: Expound on an Idea/Philosophy of Yours

Oh man, I have to pick just one. I'll pick a lesser-known one.


1) Statistics is not seen by still-too-many undergraduate programs as anything other than an elective. Hogwash, I say. My undergraduate program has required me to take one course in biostatistics, and I elected to take what was essentially Biostatistics Part 2 as part of a research semester. A lot of people like to say 'Why require calculus as part of a biology degree? We never use it!' Now I think calculus is damn necessary because it's increasingly the case that we're going to have to incorporate higher-level math into our work (MATLAB is a big thing in parts of neuroscience, for example, and it requires LINEAR ALGEBRA), but if you're going to drop calculus as a requirement you'd better fucking replace it with stats. And yes, that means two semesters. And yes, most biology majors are premeds or stuff like that. If you're a doctor, you had better fucking be able to interpret medical journal articles and keep up with your field, and that means knowing how the fuck statistics work, from the simplest goddamned t-test to a big ol' convoluted case-control thingy or some wackily complicated regression (and know how to talk to a biostatistician if it's maybe a little beyond your ken, which requires some biostatistical knowledge anyway). SOLUTION: REQUIRE SOME FUCKING STATISTICS

1a) If you're going to teach statistics, teach a fucking statistical program, and to the point TEACH IT WELL. I learned statistics using R, and my biostatistics professor was fucking abysmal at teaching us R and used R Commander as an interface. I didn't fucking understand how to use R when my professor of my entirely elective research design class taught us more advanced stuff in R, and forced us to do it at the console. I am a better statistics user for it. SOLUTION: FUCKING LEARN HOW TO TEACH A STATISTICAL PACKAGE AND INTEGRATE IT WELL INTO THE STAT CLASS

1b) I had the dubious privilege earlier in the semester of having to basically teach some poor sophomore huge amounts of statistics in an hour, using R. This was not something I was required to do, but I overheard her having difficulties and decided I'd step in. She had not taken the required statistics class, but yet her ecology and evolution class was requiring her to do even some stuff that wasn't required in the required statistics class. Out of the goodness of my own black little heart, I did for her what her professors neglected to do: teach her how to do a T-test, an ANOVA, a chi-square test, and a linear regression, send her a little 'cheat-sheet' with the tl;dr of the theory, what each test actually tells you, and how to do it in R, and she thanked me profusely and told me I'd explained everything in a crystal-clear manner. I was told by the resident biostatistician in my department that part of the problem with integrating statistics into the rest of the core curriculum is that a lot of scientists are still uncomfortable with statistics. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. SOLUTION: HAVE SOME PROFESSORS WHO AREN'T UNCOMFORTABLE WITH STATISTICS TEACHING THE CLASSES, FOR FUCK'S FUCKING FUCK SAKE FUCK IT.

2) At least at my university the core curriculum and all the concentrations are continually in flux and it's fucking stupid. Yes, biology, by its nature as a science, changes with all the new information we get. No, that is not an excuse to change the degree requirements like Italy changes its prime ministers. SOLUTION: PUT SOME FUCKING THOUGHT INTO THE CURRICULUM.

3) Vishnu Roosevelt Muhammad Christ Selassie Guan Yin on a pogo stick, I had the displeasure of having to edit several classmates' papers for a required technical writing class for our major. WHY THE FUCKING FUCK CAN'T HALF OF YOU DUMB SHITS WRITE. SOLUTION: STEP IT THE FUCK UP ENGLISH DEPARTMENT

I'll add more rant as I think of it.

EDIT: I just edited the group project for the technical writing class I am required to take. SIDDHARTHA AMATERASU H. THOR CERNUNNOS, WHO THE FUCK LET YOU IDIOTS INTO COLLEGE.