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teamramonycajal  ·  3820 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Does the Internet Hate Self-Promotion?

Nobody pointed it out in the other one and I saw a gauntlet-shaped pothole in the ground over which the discussion appeared to be going 'thump thump thump', at least to my eyes, so I decided I'd fill it by, as it were, throwing down the gauntlet.

I'm surprised any of Hubski's female users at the time glossed over it. Has Reddit suddenly made it 'uncool' to a huge population of women to, you know, defend their own interests and not be a huge doormat in the style of Stereotypical Christian Conservative Housewife Brainless Walking Baby Machine? (I blame SRS for this in part, in addition to the just plain misogynist elements on Reddit. I am staunchly feminist, and I hate SRS with a burning, burning passion because they took the fundamental legitimacy of feminism and warped it with their own twisted, bereft-of-reading-comprehension-or-nuance, often logic-free rhetoric - they're playing right into the hands of the right-wingy types and the stereotypes they hold.)

kleinbl00's only word on it, in the very linked thread:

    Sooooo much drama from that comment.

Justifiably so.

kleinbl00, take that badge off my Eurovision post. I don't want one from you.