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insomniasexx  ·  3664 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Any other Orioles fans around Hubski? I've love to have an IRC chat during games.

I'm a fan of baseball by default as my brother plays college ball for a D1 school. I also played varsity in high school before moving on to more fast paced, creative environments. I can talk, analyze, and play well. But I don't always enjoy it as I find the game to be a bit too long and boring. The only exceptions are: randomly good games, games where my brother is pitching, or games as background noise.

It's an amazing roller coaster ride watching a game with him pitching. He starts Fridays, which means the game starts about 2pm PST, which means I scream / cheer at my computer during work. Every single pitch, every single walk, every single hit, every single run is going to affect what round he's drafted in this June. A great game lands him on the cover of the local sports section and a slew of tweets from scouts and blog writeups. A hit, a home run, a walk, a wild pitch make my heart drop. A strike out makes me insanely excited. An easy out (pop ups, etc) carry relief.

I live in LA so my allegiances lay with the Dodgers (again, by default) but I'm about to move in to a new apartment with a huge Phillies fan so I may be watching more of those games (by default).