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user-inactivated  ·  3836 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, have any of you tried lucid dreaming?

Welcome to hubski. A quick heads up, our site search is an imperfect beast, so if you really want results turn to specific google queries. That said, reposts of thoughtful questions also aren't particularly frowned upon here.

On topic, I have lucid dreamed a handful of times, maybe a dozen, in my life. All when I was much younger -- a completely unfounded hypothesis being that I was rarely tired when I went to bed, since I was forced to go to bed at a relatively early hour. Perhaps that in some way encouraged lucid dreaming.

Now, of course, I work too damn much and pass out every night. I do not remember my dreams except in very rare circumstances.