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Meriadoc  ·  3970 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 5 reasons to consider a no-strings-attached, basic income for all Americans

So, here's the main problem I have with you argument:

    But I can guarantee you that if we were to hand out paychecks Oprah style, we would have tens of millions of Americans unmotivated to do anything other than watch TV and post about it on Facebook. It's arguably human nature... if there's nothing chasing you, why run?

Now hold on while I say the next sentence: why is that a bad thing? Yeah, obviously the people that do that are pretty much worthless at that point, but do you know of many people that given a basic income will sit on the couch for the entirety of their lives. 50 plus years of doing nothing? That sounds unreasonable to me. Perhaps some will, statistically it's possible, but not beyond the first generation, that won't continue.

The basic income would allow people to do what they want. Want to pursue a career in something you truly enjoy? Congratulations! Making a living wage is no longer a concern, you don't have to worry about funding it. Want to take up a high paying job to be able to supplement your income? Congratulations! You now have the time to study for that job, or pay for the schooling needed to get there. Want to travel the world and not have to stop to work? Congratulations!

It enables people to contribute to society as they feel they should, not as they have to. It solves the other issue of people being worried about losing their jobs to robots because all those low skill, replaceable jobs can be now without concern, because those previously displaced employees still pull an income, so technology advances. It would also cut the government spending on social wellness programs like welfare, as it was determined that if everyone had a basic income, the costs of administration and enforcement of welfare and all similar programs is eliminated, so the overall cost would be lower.

Will it happen anytime soon? No, you're right, the right would whine like pissbabies until their heads burst, but it doesn't make it something we shouldn't fight for.