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user-inactivated  ·  3714 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Meta Spaceglasses - better than Google Glass?

"(do you really need to know how many lateral Gs you're pulling in real-time? It's not like you're going to black out on a hairpin)."

As of now, it seems unrealistic, but an example of lateral Gs in real time could provide the framework to further enhancing precision and efficiency by providing more accurate means of monitoring oneself. I am an avid alpine skier, and the recent development of a new pair of oakley goggles make it possible to observe your sustained speed while skiing. This information is all subject to the user and what they make of it, but if I'm aware that I need to get down run 'x' while not going under the threshold of a specific speed in order to win the race... I'm sure similar means could be employed in real time perceiving of lateral Gs.

Again this is my speculation, I would have to ask a fighter pilot this to see what they think. But, I do believe a lot of technologies, as you pointed out, are conceived within the internalized understanding of someone who only understands what they've designed based on theoretical understanding.