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Oh absolutely. I don't like the content of the piece but I enjoyed how it was conveyed.

The CEO of my company got an email the other day promising "insights" into visitors of our site. They wouldn't go into the details of how they accomplished it without a fuckton of money, but they promised email addresses, gender, name, location, etc. even for users who hadn't entered their information into our contact form. I assume its a similar database where it collects information from a variety of sites and then that data is shared with all clients. I told my CEO to fuck off, to he replied, "but everyone is doing it."

Fuck off. I'm not doing it and I will not work with anyone who does. He looked a bit stunned. Like he had never heard the word no, especially about something like this. Get some morals. Stop being a shady POS.

Anyways. I find most online advertising shady and intolerable. The sponsored content that looks just like the content of the site, is supposedly "better" for the user but I find it be the worst yet.