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I'm not saying it's sophistry, nor that I don't understand the arguments they may make to claim it to be poetry.

I am simply saying that from what I personally judge to be poetry, it is not poetry. I also note:

    Prose poetry should be considered as neither primarily poetry nor prose but is essentially a hybrid or fusion of the two, and accounted a separate genre altogether.

There are several things that have won the Turner Prize that are considered art by a huge range of informed people within the field but I do not think they are art. They are interesting concepts, but they are not art to me.

You can make assumptions all you like about my ignorance but even if I was the most ignorant person in the world (which actually I'm not on this issue, but that's by the by) it would still be my right to hold the view that this is not poetry. If others want to call it such, and if venerable professors of poetry want to call it such, and if readers want to call it such, good for them. I don't share their view. I also suspect if I cast around widely enough I would find plenty of other venerable people who would share my view. (T S Eliot, for one). That's why it's a view, not a fact.