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user-inactivated · 4051 days ago · link · · parent · post: Self-Reflection Sunday: How are you thoughtful?
Your title is how I am thoughtful, I'd say. Self-reflection is the king of personal development, I think. It's why I keep a journal. Hell, it's why I write in general. I like to believe that through these thoughts, I'm improving. My goal, my constant mantra, is "be a little better today than you were yesterday." That can mean one more rep, one more sentence, an "I love you" to someone I care about. I think that without self-reflection, it's difficult to be thoughtful. About your actions, your words, and their consequences. And I think the two have a back and forth relationship. The more thoughtful you are, the more self-reflective you become, which causes you to be even more thoughtful, and so on and so forth.