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req  ·  4053 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How to Cut the Poverty Rate in Half (It's Easy)

No the fruit picker should not make as much as a neurologist, nor did I imply they should. I'm no supporter of communism by any means, it's far worse than democracy as it leads to corruption even quicker.

I like how some Scandanavian countries have done it. There is a maximum amount the highest paid employee can make in relation to the lowest paid employee. It helps with inequality greatly.

Citing two people that became rich is pointless, you're ignoring the vast majority of people that do not have income mobility or fail as entertainers to ever make anything significant.

It is not a punishment to redistribute wealth to the needy. It's benefits those with money and it is a necessity. Less people in poverty helps everyone, including the rich. Do you like dealing with homeless and the hungry? Not to mention, if you don't eat enough, you can't function well, and can't expect to perform well in a job. It helps everyone to help those in poverty. Consider too how many children do not eat enough, affecting their growth and therefore their ability to contribute as much to society in the future.

I very much agree that we should protect the 'opportunity to succeed'. And we have failed to that immensely. There are huge barriers to entry, huge inequalities in people that were not born with a lot of money vs someone that did in starting a business, getting a degree, making decent money. We do not have a fair market, we have a market that promotes corporate oligarchies and makes it harder and harder for local businesses to survive. Think about the cost of marketing for example, no business does very well without strong marketing and marketing prices for TV are priced for corps making millions upon millions, not the typical family run business. We do not protect the opportunity for people to succeed, simply being in the USA does not mean you have the same opportunity as it is greatly tied to your family wealth and also where you live. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, my parents give me a good example of it happening, but my parents are in the top 5% of the nation and that is appalling because they are by no means rich.

Ethical issues are public policy issues. If you look at almost all of our public policies, it has to follow some code of ethics. It's inescapable because of the nature of dictating what the society ought to do. For a society to thrive, we cannot be selfish for only ourselves. We must be selfish for our society also. We all need each other, we all affect each other, and we all need the same things.

Some interesting quotes, but not really accurate. We have a socialist democracy of sorts now, we need to iron it out further. Our democracy has made us all debt slaves, we are all in servitude now.

Faith is the death of morality...you no longer do things for your fellow man, you do it for god which completely defeats the purpose of morality.

Our single biggest issue above all of this is our money system, it is broken and makes us poorer and poorer...no one but the top 1% can escape this. With loans being made out of thin air and interest payments demanded that do not yet exist...it's absurd. Everyday the value of our money is going down and our entire economy operates under the assumption of infinite growth in a finite world. It's only time before we have to change our idea of economics.