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insomniasexx  ·  3780 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Best Feel Good Viral Marketing Ploy of the Year

I noticed that the one guy said "Well, what I need is socks and underwear" and reminded me of something I read somewhere.

Basically the concept is recognizing the differences between want and need and being aware of this during the holidays where everyone wants or feels entitled to one thing or another. The thing I read was targeting parents of young children and recommended instead of asking your children for an open ended Christmas list you do it more fill-in-the-blank style.

If I recall correctly: "I want ______. I need ________. I would wear _________. I would read_______."

It is interesting that most of the adults of young children fall into the same trap of "Oh! I want a BIG tv!" Whereas that one guy got something that I'm sure he will thoroughly use and needed, even if it isn't as cool.

Food for thought.

cgod thenewgreen Do you ever worry about rampant consumerism affecting your kids? Do you attempt to do anything about it during the holidays? Or is it just one of those things that is neat and people talk about but never actually happens.