But what about in schools? I suspect if you asked people what the real crime is, they'd say it's that we don't nurture "creativity" (whatever that is, I seriously have no idea) in schools. thenewgreen, I watched that Ken Robinson talk a couple of weeks ago -- so in that vein, what's the deal? It's fairly obvious why bosses don't value "big ideas": risk, like you say, threat to their own stature, the fact that tons of really fucking stupid "big ideas" get pitched every day...
But if we're going to foster creativity in one place in the entire world, shouldn't it be art school?
I'm trying to persuade myself to agree with this article, because I don't at all, I think the world is damn good place for creative people, I think it's run by creative people, and I think the only smart thing this piece says is "creative people sometimes use rejection as affirmation."