- What promoted you to read this book twice?
A few reasons, firstly i'm a pretty big Cormac McCarthy fan and have read several of his novels: All the pretty horses, No country for old men, The Road. The first time I read Blood Meridian I really enjoyed it but had the constant feeling that there was a lot more to this book, hidden depths I guess. There is an old Irish saying "Uisce ag sileadh faoi an talamh" which translates as water flowing under the ground... On the surface it was a violent wild west saga full of cruel and weird characters but there was always a sense that I was missing something.
And indeed I was.
I started searching around and found out a few things that opened my eyes, the first of which was the Yale analysis class on Blood Meridian. Probably best left until you have finished the book.
So once I understood what McCarthy was trying to accomplish I reread the novel a couple of years later and enjoyed it again in a whole new light.