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user-inactivated  ·  4008 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: American Giant hoodie: This is the greatest sweatshirt known to man.

I wondered if "bougie" would offend you, and I'm kind of disappointed to see that it does.

Anyway, I'm sure your bag is nice and you enjoy it, but $400 could pay rent, or months of transport. Dropping that much on a mere container, no matter how well-crafted, is absolutely absurd. Being able to even consider things like landfills, sweatshops, or whatever beyond pure functionality at the point of purchase is a luxury. It's not a matter of cost-over-time, because even cheap shit will last long if you know how to fix it.

I still have the "expensive" $30 backpack that my mom was reluctant to buy me when I was in elementary school in the 90s, and it's a little worn out; I've had to replace bits like the zipper pulls and the plastic buckles, but it's still mostly serviceable. It still holds junk inside of it. I've got a couple other bags that I use most of the time, but I didn't spend any money on them because you can literally pick these things up off the ground with an eye for salvage and a bit of luck.

    If that's bourgeois, sign me up. And go make me a latte while you're at it, prole.

Go ahead, enjoy your luxuries. But don't act like it's even in the realm of possibility for the rest of us, because that just makes you look out of touch. And the last bit... it isn't insulting to me, it's insulting to yourself. You're pretty thoughtful most of the time but you have some terrible blind spots.