I certainly don't deny my "animal natures". I just feel like we are in the process of modelling biochemistry - and then we will redesign our biochemistry, and then we will ultimately replace our biochemistry completely with technoculture. I'm just starting to feel like we can actually quantify this transition and perhaps extrapolate to understand roughly the decade within which the transition will occur. I feel like once we can share our thoughts directly (post-language) this will open up massively powerful sensual experiences that biological sex can't match. Also, once we live indefinitely reproductive will have lost its function. I know there are a lot of assumptions in this perspective - but I feel like the trends are strong and should reach full maturity given my perspective on the global brain's capabilities. I basically think collective mindspheres were replace biological sex. Of course, people will use collective mind spheres in different ways - but they will all be fundamentally technocultural bases - not biochemical bases - and will not involve the sharing of gametes.