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Beardymon  ·  4031 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What kind of instrument do you play, and why?

Cello for past 13 years since I was 7 years old. The reason why Cello is because when I was a young kid, one of my parents' musician friends was playing with me and took a look at my hands. After a second, he said with his deep Russian voice, "Dis boy will play good Cello. Good thick fingers. Good soul" and so my parents signed me up for private lessons. After 4-5 years of torture and tears, I actually started to like what I was playing. There is a steep learning curve for string instruments (learning to hold the bow right takes months) but once you get ok at it, its voice just draws you in.

It's a beautiful instrument.