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Hi Green:) Just letting you know I posted about you and this song on my blog, love the song...thank you:) :)
Thank you :) As it is night-time right now I'll post your music up tomorow :)
My blog is here: Thanks:) and goodnight :D
Thanks I'll check those out right now:) Would you mind it if I put a link to your music on my blog?
That's great news about the album! Sorry for the slow reply:) Do you have any old albums you could send me (or I could buy;) ) your music is awesome:) My sister is getting me to do a blog on Tumblr so my poetry might be going up there....if it isn't I'll put it here but if it is I'll post a link. It's good to hear from you:)
Just managed to play your song!!! It's fantastic, Thank you for doing that with my poem!!! If you're still interested I could send you more (if you want?).
Hello:) How are you? How's your music going? I'm sorry that it's been years since I've posted or said anything. I'm sorry to say I forgot about the poem and this website till I found it all again (with much glee) today. Unfortunatly I can't get your soundcloud of that song to play for me:( Do you have a link you could send me? I'd really love to hear your music!!! Hope you're well :)
Hey again, haven't been on in ages but college started and a whole lot of other stuff so I didn't have a lot of time...i'm gettin the actual diary and everything i wrote then,together. Ill be posting it soon. Im tired of feling helpless and fedup...I never asked for any of this.
This: Is a conversation I had with my parents about one of the appointments with a therapist (that my doctor sent me to). I'm having to go because of everything that's been going on and what I've over-heard:-/
At the start of it....My mum actually says she knows I'm not lying. (11/04/2012): My doctor decides I need to see a family therapist, his sister Theresa Duggan. Wednesday, 18/04/12 20:17:51: I asked about Terassa Duggans appointment and it's on next Thursday but when I was told this dad said, and i quote ''i think we should sit down for a little family meeting before it, just to reherse our story'' (well maybe not a good quote but he did use the words 'family meeting'. 'before it' and 'reherse our story'). I got it recorded but i think it's very faded.