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comment by AshShields
AshShields  ·  3916 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Three Poems I Hang On My Walls

I do the same thing. I have a page of collected Raymond Chandler poems a friend and English teacher gave me on the spur of the moment (it was a handout for one of his classes) that I cherish. I was talking to him about that recently, too, and mentioned that it was still on my wall and how much I loved the poems. He was surprised, but pleased, because most - in fact, probably all - of his students just throw away those sorts of handouts.

I also have Koyczan's 6:59am, handwritten by me, because it's a stunningly beautiful sentiment and I love the way it lays out.

That's all that's up at the moment, because I just moved, but I'm going to write out a short story by Murakami (*The Fall of the Roman Empire, the 1881 Indian Uprising, Hitler's Invasion of Poland, and the Realm of Raging Winds* if you're interested) because it stuns me into silence whenever I read it.

PS: Looks like DvH isn't working yet.

_refugee_  ·  3916 days ago  ·  link  ·  

More people do this than I realized! I figure, it is both my passion, and my dream - and the best way to ensure I succeed in such a thing is by inundating myself with it, and the best way to inundate myself is to make that immersion easy. Poems all over my walls, to catch my eye at any time - an easy thing to add a little more poetry to my day.

Thanks. Not sure what's up with DvH, I know Wordpress can be very finicky. We'll try and work it out.