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comment by AlderaanDuran
AlderaanDuran  ·  3945 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Social Problems with Being Too Skinny

I'm 6'3" and 168lbs. I can relate to this article, but honestly, the skinny jokes don't bother me I just take it as a compliment. I'm healthy, I exercise, I eat lots of veggies, I have very little sugar in my diet, drink only water and coffee if I need caffeine, and really don't snack a lot.

I get a ton of shit at work, especially every month at work when we have the "Birthday celebrations" for that months birthdays. Every single time they start passing out the cake and I always pass. Why? Because I think cake is fairly disgusting and I only eat it like once a year, I don't even eat it on my birthday. At any rate, they always get a big cake with a shit ton of frosting, and they cut it up and pass it out in the conference room. I go in there to mingle and be social, and when they pass me a piece of cake I politely decline. That is met, every single time, with a few (overweight) people telling me "No cake? If anything you should take THREE pieces!!", "No wonder you're soooo skinny", "Don't like cake because you think it will make you fat?", "Why are you so self conscious about what you eat? It's just a piece of cake!" If I say I just don't like cake politely and try to change the subject, it seems to baffle people. "How can you not like cake?" I get it, lots of people like sugary things, great, I DO NOT.

At any rate, I can relate. I honestly don't take it personally and just shrug it off, but it can be quite annoying on an almost daily basis. The only thing I don't like about it is the double standard. If during that same Birthday celebration I were to suggest to the guy in our office who is well over 300lbs that maybe he should not be eating two pieces of cake, I'd get a serious talking to from HR and my managers. But that same guy can rag on me relentlessly for being "too skinny", "weird", and "must be shallow and self conscious if you are scared to eat a piece of cake".

But I'll take being skinny over being overweight any day of the week. So no major complaints from me!

humanodon  ·  3945 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm glad someone else thinks that cake is gross. I will admit that I have eaten some cakes that are really awesome, but they are few and far between. Office cake generally is the worst cake though.

I recently bought some T-shirts because the Jockey outlet was having a sale. I'm 6' and 175, pretty broad across the chest and shoulders. I tried on a medium, since when I left the U.S. that's what fit. It's funny, because as a kid, I always wore a large. To my amazement, the mediums were really loose. I tried a small and that fit much better, but it wasn't tight at all. Size inflation is real and obesity as a whole really needs to be addressed. Even jeans are mislabled. I've taken the tape to myself and I'm a 34-35 and yet I wear a Levi's 32 or 33. I understand that part of selling clothes is making people feeling good about themselves, but being in shape feels better than being lied to.

Yeah, I got issues with fatties, so what?

Note: If you are reading this and are overweight, but making an effort to lose the weight, I totally support that. I understand it's a hard thing to do. Being fat ain't sexy and being sexy is a big part of life (biologically).