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comment by steve

Other than noise, I don't understand what skipping two meals a day does? They'll be grumpy? the prison will have a lot of food waste?

Look, I get that they trying to make a point about solitary, and torture, etc. and yes there needs to be some serious reform in our corrections system -

Not reporting for their work assignments and classes I get, but skipping two meals a day? I don't know. I must be missing something.

I guess when you're that powerless - when everything else has been taken away, you control the few things you can.

user-inactivated  ·  3946 days ago  ·  link  ·  

many of them are refusing all meals. the initial report of "breakfast and lunch" skipped was released on the first day of the strike before dinner, so they could only confirm two meals at that time.

b_b  ·  3946 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well, I guess it's working, because they've gotten a lot of press recently. If their goal is to raise awareness about poor conditions and the CA gov't blatant defiance of court ordered improvement of inmate safety, then they seem to be making headway.