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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  4256 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The internet is wasting our lives.

    I don't think that you can really make an argument for either

I can, in fact. It is the premise of the aforementioned MIT professor's body of work over the past 25 years. See also: Love and Sex with Robots.

| our friendship is still very strong because we still hang out almost every day over the internet.|

That was not the argument. The argument was that your relationship had been diminished by his moving away. I'm glad you skype every day. If you could choose to see him in person, would you?

Once again, I'm saying "there is scholarly data that reflects that." You're saying "It doesn't really feel true to me that." And, once again, this is like arguing "I know you just accused me of myopia, but I don't believe there's a man standing on that hill over there."

PathogenXD  ·  4256 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Whoops, I must have missed your earlier link to his work. Perhaps my ability to make relationships has been crippled both inside and outside the sphere of the internet, but to me it doesn't make a lot of difference. All I know is my perspective, I've never experienced anything else. While you may find that regrettable, I see no difference at all. My relationships feel deep and meaningful to me, so why should I seek something different?

kleinbl00  ·  4256 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    All I know is my perspective, I've never experienced anything else

Again, my point.

    My relationships feel deep and meaningful to me, so why should I seek something different?

Not saying you should. However, you are posting in a thread called "The internet is wasting our lives" and I set forth a number of points why the author might feel that way.

Soldier on, li'l camper. But also recognize that when someone explains why someone else feels empty inside, "but personally, I don't feel empty therefore your answers are wrong" is not a valid tactic of debate.