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comment by JTHipster
JTHipster  ·  4102 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Public comments considered harmful : Fred Ross

To be fair to the author,, and having not much interest in the original article, when a person reads a rant, the last thing that is useful is talking about a tone.

Intellectual discussion is very much a tone-based discussion since word choice and syntax contribute heavily to how information is communicated. Rants are more personal expression and are designed to communicate information a bit more bluntly.

That being said, its a fascinatingly strange experience to see a person compile a list of their criticisms and responses, then cross check it across sites and present a statistically irrelevant sample to the viewers. Fascinating because it offers some insight in to both the site and the offer and strange because the amount of time spent on that chart could be used to do something more productive.