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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  4112 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Buying apples, chicken breast, reduced fat milk, and wheat bread in Detroit

I'm so fucking lucky. I got a small grocery store sized market owned by 4-5 local hipsters that has everything on this list for around the price of any major market. Most every thing is local most the produce is cheaper then the major chains. The chicken is pricey, but it's local, organic, free range, blah blah and I don't really like it.

Different local artist hang on the open walls, the cashiers play what ever music they want, they even have a record player. One of the back walls opens into a nice little bar that has different owners from the market. They have live bands playing in the store periodically. Rock out, buy some produce, get a buzz on, they even have a small local music section stocking vinyl only. It's really more then what I just said, there web sight doesn't do it justice, but you can see a few of the bands that have played there.

Cherry Sprout

Even the two small bodegas near my house have everything but the chicken breasts. Maybe they don't have apples everyday, but always some choices of fruit.

ecib  ·  4112 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Different local artist hang on the open walls, the cashiers play what ever music they want, they even have a record player. One of the back walls opens into a nice little bar that has different owners from the market. They have live bands playing in the store periodically. Rock out, buy some produce, get a buzz on, they even have a small local music section stocking vinyl only...

Way to absolutely depress me as I'm about head to my bi-weekly shopping trip to Meijer's tomorrow. Fuck.