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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  4277 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Not a Hypothetical #1

    I don't have any answers for this hypothetical but I will point out that June is in the right for celebrating the lesser losses from her second film. If she's bankrolling these films and is progressively losing less money, she likely assumes that she'll one day reach a break even and be profitable.

Oh, certainly. One can certainly see where she's finding reason to celebrate. Even more important, "Dance Wolf" is basically their Great White Hope - it looks the best, it sucks the least, and is most likely to actually turn a profit.

The problem from the other side of the equation is that Poky Stick sucks less than her last film because Tom and I put serious time into it, and that Dance Wolf is going to be vastly better because it has the entire post team from "Fishing Days." In other words, the reason for her optimism is us - so we all get a little cranky when our expertise in the matter is selectively ignored.

The other major aspect is that Junes efforts, far from allowing her to asymptotically approach profitability, are threatening an "extinction-level event." She's making mistakes of a magnitude that she could easily blow herself out of the industry forever without ever being able to claw her way out of the hole... and as I said, conditions had worsened to the point where she was no longer willing to hear us when we raised red flags.