2 days later and I still don't have a witty reply to this. I even searched online for push-up jokes. Damn. I feel so inferior right this instant. Good thing I'm wicked at squash, otherwise I might dwell on it. Hey joelg236, I double dare you to ask thenewgreen how many ways he can use the word 'meow' in a sentence.
Then ask sounds_sound if he ever waited tables commando with just his apron covering his dong.
What I wouldn't give for their minestrone and some bread right meow.
Ahh. Okay. sounds_sound have you ever waited tables commando with just your apron covering your dong? And only one meow? That's dissapointing.
Never did the dong. But once, and I shouldn't be telling you OR thenewgreen this, I rubbed my balls on a sundae spoon (the peer pressure was unbearable). Then, I put it in someone's hot fudge. Before everyone starts hating me, when I went to serve it, I set it on the table and INSTANTLY took it away. Just couldn't do it. I mean what did that little asian girl ever do to me?? Even I'm not THAT messed up. I ended up eating the sundae myself - like I was licking my own sweet nutsack.
Careful where you eat out people!
You should talk about your spoon tainting for the podcast on "fun".